The principle of StarDunk is a priori extremely simple: each part has the objective is to earn maximum points by scoring baskets. To do this, we move the half-trajectory of the ball with your finger, considering the better end of the path to reach the basket. The starting point of the ball changes every time and it is far more basket earn points. Furthermore, putting the ball without touching the panel relates twice more points and at all without touching the ring triple points.
But that's not all, the equivalent panel basketball is here composed of 4 panels that can be switched by touching them with the ball, as pinball. Turn the 4 trigger a random bonus (x3 balls, cart or greater bonus +2). After two minutes of shooting, you can compare your score with other players that if they played online.
Having tested StarDunk since the first beta, the extreme simplicity of the game foreshadowed a quite repetitive quickly.But meanwhile Godzilab added some options including a particularly interesting: the ability to choose his ball among many bullets. Each ball has characteristics (size, speed, bounce, special bonus, ...) and different broadens the strategic opportunities offered by StarDunk .
This will rather choose to play "bonus" when trying to activate the bonus as often as possible, even if it means less direct baskets, so instead we take a ball rebounded slightly.Another possibility is to focus instead on precision, and we will then take a smaller ball or receiving a bonus baskets perfect. It may also take a ball balanced focus on small bonus target shooting and perfect shots or for long distances once the bonus activated.
In short, the strategies are many and my experience online, none seems to dominate: I met some very good players using live very different.Download StarDunk
Realization is virtually flawless, the parties keep coming online soon and the game has the syndrome of "just one last party" feature of good games. Various achievements can unlock new balls, prolonging the life of the game only real flaw [[Stardunk]], but it is minimal in some cases, the finger conceals the trajectory of the ball, making accurate shots a bit difficult.
Free [[Stardunk]] occupy fans skill and tactics for many hours ...